A lot of people use various tools to optimize the performance of their computers. Applications like Smart PC Cleaner were developed to help users fix and configure their systems so that they obtain a boost in speed and stability.
Smart PC Cleaner is definitely not the most original program I've worked with. It will scan your computer for registry errors, broken shortcuts, junk files etc., provide you with a list with every issue it encountered, and allow you to fix all of them with a single click. Moreover, it can also act as a startup list manager and allow you to decide which programs should be automatically launched along with your operating system.
Another handy function that it provides is its capability to optimize your system according to your needs. This application is also designed to assist you with various tasks such as increasing the security of your PC or enhancing the execution speed of other applications. Furthermore, it can display a report with everything that it did in order to help you.
As a personal conclusion, I wouldn't pay this much for a tool that doesn't allow you to actually test its performance before buying it. Smart PC Cleaner promises to solve a whole lot of issues, but there is no guarantee that it will actually do so and I didn't see any mention of a refund policy on its web page.